Wheelbarrow Jogger
Strollers are boring! Stick the kids in your wheelbarrow and set off for a jaunt. They’ll love it, and you will get one heck of a core workout! We recommend adding a few moving blankets or something of the sort for padding. For loads of fun, meetup with another dad for a kid hauling race!
DADDIO TIP: Do it on grass and/or wear a helmet.
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Why dads should join a Men's Group: Being a dad is the best job in the world, but it's also the hardest. You're constantly on the go, trying to keep your kids happy, healthy, and out of trouble. And let's...
Dad Gear
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Heavy Lift Thingy
DIY Zipline
Because store bought ziplines suck. Pair with a winch rope.
Pro Zip Line Kit
Go big or go home.
Dissolving Swimsuit Prank
I mean... amazing. Not for the self-conscious.
Mr. Mister
Keep the yard useable all summer long with a misting system.
Projector Screen
120 inch portable projector screen for epic backyard movies.
Dog Repellent Sprinklers
Prank your kids when they get home from school, protect your garden from deer, or just have fun with people who want to let their dog tinkle on your fresh cut lawn.
Lounge Pool
Solid buy for the $, just don't kill the grass. Consider a propane heater.
Beach Shovel
Best beach and garden small shovel for kids. It works and they can't crack their skull open.
Music without all the buttons your kids would accidentally press.
Foxhole Shovel
No frills foxhole shovel. Keep it in your truck. Great for serious sand castles.
Balance Bike Handle
Game changer for teaching kids to ride. Don't break your back!
Toys & Gifts
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Water Balls
Faster fill than the silicone ones, but not as much splash
Chicken Fight Pool Float
Instantly kick things up a notch
Balance Bike That Won’t Snag Ankles
They didn't invent the balance bike, but they made it better.
Basketball Hoop Light
For the coolest court on the block!
Better View Bike Seat
Don't just bring them with you, give them a front row seat to share your love of exercise in the outdoors!
Color Fight Balls
Memorable bonding experience! Not for kids who don't like getting messy.
Electric Balance Bike
Because kids rarely save energy for the ride home. Never lug the bike with your kid on your shoulders again.
Extreme Pogo Stick
Engage stunt mode! Super fun, pretty dangerous, and a great workout!
Soccer Trainer
Practice indoors or out, and never have to chase down the ball.