The Welcome Home Ambush
Get a jump on your kids by greeting them with an arsenal of Nerf guns or the like. Just be sure to leave them a set to return fire!
DADDIO LEVEL: Unload a roll of toilet paper on them in a matter of seconds with a DIY leaf blower shooter. This one is easy: just tape a long handled paint roller to the blower nozzle so that the roller is about a foot from the nozzle tip. Slide a fresh roll onto the roller with the TP dangling on the near side. Then let her rip!
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The Coolest Water Gun
These battery powered beasts shoot bursts of water that hit with a wallop! Truly wild!
Nerf Balls – Way Better Than Darts!
Be selective in your arsenal. It makes a difference!
T-Rex Dart Gun
Why not combine two of the coolest things?? Perfect gift for any boy.