Hill and skateboard meet a safer alternative that’s all dad.
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Help Your Dragon
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Childhood Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. It can help us stay alert and focused when we face danger. But when anxiety becomes excessive or persistent, it can interfere with a child's daily life. It might manifest as: Excessive...
Dad Gear
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Wilderness First Aid Kit
Don't be a dumbass. Be prepared. And take a CPR class too.
Balance Bike Handle
Game changer for teaching kids to ride. Don't break your back!
Set an example and protect your noggin!
50 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do
In case you haven't caught the theme of this website, here's a book to read.
Toys & Gifts
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Better View Bike Seat
Don't just bring them with you, give them a front row seat to share your love of exercise in the outdoors!
Harley Davidson Electric Balance Bike
Coolest 4 yr old on the block? Most def.
Segway Skates
Like a hoverboard but more challenging. Great core workout.
Balance Bike That Won’t Snag Ankles
They didn't invent the balance bike, but they made it better.
Extreme Pogo Stick
Engage stunt mode! Super fun, pretty dangerous, and a great workout!
Hoverboard Go Kart
Turn your hoverboard into a go-kart for more fun and greater safety.
Roller Shoes
Never hear your kids complain about walking again!
What to Do When You Worry Too Much:
Great book on anxiety for 5-10 year olds