The Claw Machine
Straight from Bluey. Bandit decides to be his own claw machine when the kids get disappointed by the janky machine. It’s a fun way to help your kids develop resilience and learn to deal with disappointment. Just gather some stuffed animals and make the kids earn coins to play the claw machine!
It stinks when the machine drops the toy doesn’t it? Did it frustrate you because you couldn’t control how well it held on? There are a lot of things in life that we don’t have control of. Like traffic. Boy traffic frustrates me, but I turn on the radio and let some good tunes put me back into a happy place. Because I may not have control over the traffic, but I do have control over my attitude. And right now I have control over these toys! [Here’s where you grab them all and run while the kids chase you].
Did it feel worthwhile to spend your money on this machine? What would you buy if you saved it? Do you want to work for more? What skills do you have that someone would pay for? What do you like doing?
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