Take A Bee For A Walk
So your kid just brought home a baby bumblebee – What do you do? You put it in the freezer for 5 minutes to make it go into a hibernation sleep. If it has a stinger (a female) let it go, but otherwise… tie dental floss around its belly (under the wings) and let it warm up in the sun. A few minutes later he’ll be buzzing around tethered to your leash and ready to take for a walk! When he gets tired after 10 minutes of play or so, you’ll be able to snip the line and let him go back to pollinating flowers.
Conquering Fear & Anxiety: Although carpenter bees are not likely to sting (and males do not have a stinger), they can invoke our natural fears. Fears are good. They help us recognize danger. The key is to then reflect on the risk – the likelihood of something happening and the impact that would have if it did happen. Are there ways to further mitigate the risk (wear a hoodie)? Weigh that risk against the benefits of the activity, in this case, joy, excitement, and a shared novel moment. Let your rational mind make an informed decision as to what to do. If that leads you to doing the activity, give your child praise for their courage, but either way, applaud them for considering the facts and making an informed decision.
Responsibility: We are the top of the food chain – the alpha dogs. Yet we must recognize how even a little bee has great importance in the natural order. As pollinators, bees ensure the reproduction of many plant species and indirectly contribute to a third of our global food supply. Yet through human caused pollution, climate change, deforestation, and the like, we are putting them and many species in danger. We must protect them, as you would protect your little sister or anyone who is bullied or incapable of defending themselves. With great power comes great responsibility …and all that sort of talk.
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