Rent A Rich Dude’s Pool
Like an AirBnB but just the pool! Rent one for your next pool party from our friends at https://swimply.com/
For older kids who crave a bit more challenge and excitement, ditch the basic noodle fights and try out these fun and engaging swimming pool games:
1. Water Polo Olympics: Divide yourselves into teams and get competitive with a classic water polo match. Use a volleyball or a beach ball (deflated slightly for easier handling) and score points by throwing the ball into your opponent’s goal (use inflatable rings or pool noodles for makeshift goals). Add twists like underwater passes, penalty throws for splashing too much, and maybe even synchronized swimming routines during halftime for an extra layer of fun.
2. Human Knot: A Wet Remix: Take the classic playground game of human knot to the pool! Form a circle, hold hands with two different people (not next to you), and then try to untangle yourselves without letting go. The watery environment adds a hilarious challenge, and the resulting chaos provides endless entertainment.
3. Pool Noodle Jousting: Grab pool noodles, pool floaties, and some creativity for a backyard jousting tournament. Customize your pool noodles with duct tape flags or pool toys for added flair. Then, charge at each other in the pool, aiming to knock your opponent off their inflatable steed (with pool noodles instead of lances, of course!). Winner stays on, loser takes a refreshing plunge.
4. Underwater Treasure Hunt: Hide waterproof toys, glow sticks, or even candy around the pool, both above and below the waterline. Equip yourselves with diving masks or goggles (optional but adds to the fun) and race to collect the hidden treasures. First one to gather all the items wins, or set a time limit for a frantic dash to grab as much as you can.
5. Slip & Slide Extravaganza: Transform your backyard into a watery wonderland with homemade or store-bought slip and slides. Use tarps, plastic sheets, and soapy water to create a slippery path leading into the pool. Bonus points for incorporating obstacles like inflatable hurdles or a mini water cannon for an added splash of fun. Just be sure to put some padding underneath like a few moving blankets.
6. Marco Polo with a Twist: Put a new spin on the classic game by adding a blindfold twist. One player is blindfolded and tries to tag everyone else by calling out “Marco” while the others respond with “Polo” (but from different locations to make it tricky!). The first person tagged becomes the next “It,” adding a dynamic element to the familiar game.
7. Underwater Obstacle Course: Get creative and set up an underwater obstacle course using pool noodles, inflatable rings, and other pool toys. Create tunnels, weave through hurdles, and maybe even include a limbo bar under the water for an extra challenge. Time yourselves or race against each other to add a competitive element.
8. Water Balloon Volley: Give volleyball a watery twist by filling water balloons and playing an epic water balloon volley match. Be strategic with your serves, aim carefully, and prepare for some hilarious bursts and unexpected splashes. Just remember to be gentle with the throws to avoid injuries and unwanted pool cleaning afterward.
Remember, safety is key! Always supervise children closely, especially in deeper areas of the pool. Be mindful of potential collisions and adjust the difficulty of the games based on the age and swimming abilities of the participants.
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