
Delve into the wild world of your kid’s imagination …if you dare. Start with a “Once upon a time” (or “This one time…” for older kids) and take turns adding to the story like a ‘Mad-Lib’.
NEXT LEVEL: Record the fun, transcribe it, have your kids illustrate the scenes, and get it published on Amazon KDP!

MAKE IT MEANINGFUL: Add in some socioemotional elements to help your kids practice empathetic perspectives. Example: Your kid just described a knight encounters a dragon. You say “wondering how he could defeat such a mighty fire breathing dragon with laser beam eyes, he trembled in fear and wished he were home with his mommy.” Kid: “And he wet his pants!” You: Feeling sheepish and embarrassed, he reached deep inside for every ounce of courage. He drained all the tee tee out of his boots, washed his hands, and then…” Kid: “He charged the dragon!…”

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