
Each kid needs to feel special in their father’s eye. Girl or boy, you must be intentional about spending solo time with each child. And don’t neglect date nights with your wife either! Put it on the calendar. It will make a difference in your child’s self-esteem, the strength of your marriage, and your family’s happiness.


1. What is the best dream you ever had, and why?
2. What is the worst dream you ever had, and why?
3. How do you like to be woken up in the morning?
4. What are the top five things you are good at doing?
5. Describe WHO you want to BE when you grow up? (Someone who is kind, who helps others, who makes a difference, who creates something great, who inspires, who lives a happy life)
6. What are five activities you want to do within the next year?
7. Who is your best friend, and why?
8. What person can you not stand, and why?
9. What embarrasses you that I do?
10. What are you proud of that I do?
11. How can I be a better daddy?
12. What makes you laugh?
13. What makes you cry?
14. What are the top three things I do that make you feel special & loved?
15. What are you inspired by?
16. What is the most important thing you have learned in life?
17. If you were to plan a sleepover, what would it include?
18. If you were to be one animal, what would you be and why?
19. What are your three favorite songs or movies and why?
20. What one song or movie can’t you stand, and why?
21. What are the top three reasons why you know you will be a good spouse/parent when you are grown?
22. What is important to you?
23. What would you look for in a husband?
24. What is your favorite Bible story and why?
25. Who are your top two favorite historical characters and why?
26. In your life, what has been your proudest moment?
27. In your life, what has been your most embarrassing moment?
28. If you were to create your own job to earn money, what would you do and how would you do it?
29. If you were to create your own cake and own ice-cream sundae, what ingredients would you include?
30. What makes you feel safe?
31. What makes you feel scared?
32. What are two things that your friends or other people you know do that you don’t like?
33. What are two things that your friends or other people you know do that you would also like to do?
34. If you could go anywhere in the world and do anything you wanted, where would you go and what would you do?
35. Do you know how much I love you?


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