Make A Blowgun
A perfect accompaniment to any camping trip! It’s a walking stick, a bush whacking stick, and a handcrafted blowgun all in one. The kids will love the time spent crafting it and will take pride in its creation. And of course, they’ll love competing against you for shooting at tree trunk targets. Cut a 4-foot length of 1-inch diameter bamboo. Ream it with a 3/8 diameter steel rod. Add a little sand and water during reaming to get the inside nice and smooth. Get some 8 inch bamboo skewers and tie on cotton balls or the inner filament of a thistle flower with dental floss and boom – you’ve got a blowgun and darts ready for action! Here’s a good step x step that follows the Native American method closely: https://exarc.net/issue-2013-3/at/hunting-cane-traditional-cherokee-blowguns-and-darts.
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