
What’s inside? What is it made of? Kids are curious. Every question is an opportunity to learn something new, and the best way to retain that information is through a memorable experience. Grab a hammer and safety goggles and have fun exploring. Smash an apple, acorn, ice cube, a raw egg, a hard boiled egg, an unopened can of Coke, an opened can of Coke, an over-inflated balloon, an under-inflated balloon. Start with a hypothesis; “What do you think will happen”, run the test, make observations, talk about why. And remember – in an experiment, there is no incorrect hypothesis!

BONUS FUN: Have your kids stand on an empty Coke can. Does it hold their weight? What happens if you flick the side of the can while they stand on it? Spoiler: it crumples, so be sure they’re holding onto support or have a nice soft landing.

DADDIO LEVEL: Bring dry ice to the equation. Freeze a banana, gummy bear, slice of cheese… you get it.

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