
They happen more often than you think. And it’s so much more than just the magic of seeing a shooting star.

  • An opportunity for meaningful conversations: If there is a difficult conversation you’ve been meaning to have, there is no better opportunity. There’s no running off, and the activity of watching the stars distracts from the awkwardness just enough, while also being calming and helps them be more receptive to your words.
  • Calming as kids focus and concentrate on seeing one fly by.
  • Competitive kids will love counting how many they see.
  • Curiosity and imagination will be tapped as you inspire your future scientist, engineer, writer, or politician (yes politician – our world is but a speck in the universe, and no matter where you are, we’re all bearing witness to the same fireballs in the sky. We are connected and we need to learn to share our planet’s resources).
  • Get a different perspective. Get out in nature where life slows down and priorities change.

Make a camp fire and bring some sleeping bags, even if you’ll be sleeping inside.

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