Dry Ice Bomb
This is guaranteed to wow, but do be careful and point the bottle in a safe direction far away from kids. Oh, and… wear some safety goggles!
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What to Do When You Worry Too Much:
Great book on anxiety for 5-10 year olds
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Childhood Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal and often healthy emotion. It can help us stay alert and focused when we face danger. But when anxiety becomes excessive or persistent, it can interfere with a child's daily life. It might manifest as: Excessive...
Dad Gear
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50 Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Kids Do
In case you haven't caught the theme of this website, here's a book to read.
Confetti Hi 5
The ultimate high-five!
Full Face Sunglasses
Are you the silly looking guy still wearing a Covid mask when you leave the house? Well now you can be safe and cool by sporting the world's only full face sunglasses!
Magic Fire
Amp up your campfire ghost stories!
Palm Fireball
There's a pyromaniac inside every guy. For more Daddio fun, soak a dollar in 70% IPA, hold it with tongs over the sink, and light it on fire. Poof! The dollar is dry again.
Unbored Adventure
Can we all just agree to lay off the TV babysitter for a bit and get outside? Adventure awaits!
Toys & Gifts
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Best Beginner Magic Set
Magic is science. Great gift for determined deep thinkers.
DIY Bouncy Balls
The best part of this science experiment is that you end up with a toy that will provide loads of fun going forward! Set up some trick shots!
Glow Paint
For science, art, or just getting weird.
Pop Rocks
The look on their face when they try this for the first time! Also a good performance enhancer for soccer games scheduled at nap time.