Be A Tourist In Your Home Town
All the stuff out-of-towners do that locals take for granted… Bike and Segway tours, zoo’s, aquariums, ferris wheels, planetariums, and museums… Make it extra fun by dressing up as crime fighting superheroes or whatever silly costume you have stashed in the attic.
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Dad Gear
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Toilet Seat Covers
Inevitably, your kids will have to poop in the shittiest of bathrooms.
Backpack Kid Carrier
Hit the trail or just free up your hands in the airport. This kid carrier is legit.
Baby Carrier for Dudes
Because real men don't pass on an opportunity to hang with their kid. Trip to Home Depot? Bring 'em with you!
Baby Kick Nut Cup
You will be kicked in the nuts repeatedly at least until 4 years old. Also... learn the anti-nut kick tantrum carrying technique.
Toys & Gifts
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Would You Rather
Perfect boredom killer.
Where’s Waldo
Classic distraction for road trips or just calming down before bed.
Secret Message Pen
Because a father's words of affirmation make all the difference.
Better View Bike Seat
Don't just bring them with you, give them a front row seat to share your love of exercise in the outdoors!