Kids On The Roof
You’re up there a few times a year, cleaning gutters and skylights. BRING YOUR KIDS. Talk about healthy fears, the unique perspective from the roof, the value of diverse perspectives, the teamwork required by each individual shingle, the requirements for roof design (it’s nice today, but consider the elements, critters, and debris it must withstand. How could the design be improved or the space better served?
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Dad Gear
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Ladder Roof Hook
Don't damage your gutters!
Fold it and store in the basement - or wherever!
Grappling Hook
Ever been grappling hook fishing for old guns thrown from bridges?
Pro Zip Line Kit
Go big or go home.
DIY Zipline
Because store bought ziplines suck. Pair with a winch rope.
Tree Throw Line Slingshot
For hanging swings on the highest branches.